Women Creating Wealth

From Near-Death to World Record: Jenn Drummond Redefined Success

Episode Summary

Hey there, wealthy women! Get ready for an empowering interview that will shift your mindset and ignite your ambition. In this episode of “Women “Creating Wealth” we dive deep into the inspiring journey of Jenn Drummond, entrepreneur, world record holder, and mom of 7. Join Chris as she delves into Jenn's incredible story of resilience and determination. From surviving a near-fatal car crash to setting world records and climbing mountains, Jenn shares her insights on overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities. Discover how Jenn's life-changing experience sparked a quest to live life to the fullest, challenging conventional notions of success and motherhood. Learn valuable lessons on goal-setting, perseverance, and the power of self-belief. 📘 Recommended Reading: "Breakproof: 7 Strategies to Build Resilience and Achieve Your Life Goals" This episode is a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration to pursue their dreams fearlessly. Get ready to break barriers and embrace the extraordinary in your own life!

Episode Notes

Connect with Jenn

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenn-drummond/

Website: www.jenndrummond.com


Connect with Chris: chrismccarron.com

Empower Your Inner Millionaire: eyimbook.com